Many Marketers Talked About Social Media Platforms. What About Messaging Apps?
The most misses opportunities for digital marketers are actually chat apps like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger or even Telegram. These platforms should be part of your overall digital marketing strategy. Especially when majority of your audiences uses it. After all, they are the successors of SMS / MMS, the current kingpins of mobile text messaging.
Social Networking Sites = Social Media Platforms + Message Platforms
Socializing via closed interest groups are fast become the way for people find perceived, legitimate information from close people they could trust. This is because, of trust issues on social media’s “fake news” and privacy, led to people to start to message more.
More users are messaging, instead of following news on social media. Source from Reuters Institute – University of Oxford.
Messaging Platforms are becoming Important Places Where People Gather Online
As people start to message more, it is inevitable “networking” comes together in full circle: messaging platforms are integrating with social media platforms to encourage the new trend.
Navigating through Increasing Complex Government Regulations in Message Communications
In Singapore, we are well protected by the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (PDPA) for data privacy issues.
Via WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger, advertising or media broadcasting within message groups are still possible. But legal care is necessary to obtain individual permission from people to send.
Enabling social listening is also important for private groups online. That is not only on Facebook or LinkedIn groups, but also within group chats in WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger.
Diligent social listening not only prevent employees from spreading possible “fake news”. But also prevent any community members from doxxing each other, which is illegal. A form of cyber-bullying.
We Can Help
Asdor Digital is a professional marketing agency. Our marketing team is capable of obtaining such data privacy and marketing permissions from users with proper web development and database management.
We also have the capability to have social listening management in place. We can appoint social media managers or community managers to protect your brand, your users and your customers.
Contact us with our digital marketing strategists and consultants to find out how.