Important for Facebook Marketing — Future Impact on Organic Postings as well as Ads.
Asdor Digital is a marketing agency which do Facebook Marketing. It is not only important for us to know how Facebook is evolving. But we also feel it is important to educate and advise our clients about key changes.
These changes may improve your customers’ user experience on the social media platform. It also impact where your Facebook Marketing content should go for your organic posts or ads depending on your customers’ usage behaviours.
Facebook Re-Designs its UI
Perhaps that you have already noticed, Facebook had re-design its mobile app. The social media platform has also re-designed its desktop site as well.
Facebook’s F8 Keynote in 7 Minutes by Digital Trends.
Facebook’s purpose to re-design is to become “privacy-centric”, while steering away from the past privacy scandals.
They have this “Why am I seeing this ad?” tool, which can to provide users understanding their privacy rights: why they are seeing what they are seeing. Where the content are provided from. And also, having control over what they see for Facebook postings and ads.
Hows does this impact the Facebook Feed?
Ultimately, the goal of News Feed is to show people more relevant and more interesting posts.
With more control in users’ hands, it allows quality content for the users to be filtered for them, by them. As such, it become more important for Pages and Groups to deliver content that increases the likelihood of a user to interact with that post or ad.
The information which generally has the largest influence over the order of posts to be shown on News Feed would be:
(a) how often you interact with posts from people, Pages or Groups;
(b) how often you interact with a specific type of post, for example, videos, photos or links;
and (c) the popularity of the posts shared by the people, Pages and Groups you follow.
More signals of interaction,
more re-targeting on News Feed
As the users give their input with the new control of what they want to see based on the new changes, creatives and marketers not only have to create content that are more relevant and more interesting, but in away more personalised on a more specific level in smaller targeted audiences.
This is because, an increased engagement with users, increases the likelihood of the users (or potential customers) of being more re-targeted on an individual user’s News Feed as more often in the future.
Content with poor relevance will be seen less.
Both organic postings from Pages or Groups and Ads will be affected.
Important to build community of followers
Apart from the type of post (video, image or link), noticed the popularity of a post, through the many engagements by people are also important.
Therefore, there’s also a need to have a social media manager to have an engagement strategy to keep community discussion on a particular post moderated as such actions encourages positive engagements. This is to also listen to your social media audience for feedbacks and improvements.
We Can Build Your App & Do Your Campaigns.
The Facebook Marketing environment is dynamic and is continuing to evolve. For many businesses, it can be hard to catch up and one may wonder why marketing performance is not happening to them.
Contact us to meet up with our social media consultants to allow use to do analyse and do a social media audit report for you and find out how we can improve your social media management and campaigns today!