Online and Interactive Annual Reports

If you have been producing printed Annual Reports, you would understand that there’s little you can do to measure its benefits for your business. Are your printed Annual Reports providing other benefits on top of just regulatory reporting? What pages actually get the most views? Did your shareholders even touch the reports? Was there sufficient information that the readers want?

There are endless questions as to how your printed Annual Reports are performing. So why not venture into something that will not only be more efficient but will also produce more measurable insights for your long-term strategy?

Key Advantages Of Using Online / Interactive Annual Reports

Cost-saving: Having all your Annual Reports printed out in colours and with good quality materials often means high printing cost. Mailing them out is another cost factor you should budget for.

  1. Go Green: It takes 24 trees to produce 1 ton of standard office papers. Can you imagine how many trees are cut down when you’re using thicker papers for Annual Reports? A lot! Even when you use recycled or FSC-certified papers, the truth is zero printing or reduced printing is always greener than printing.
  2. Instant Access: Unlike physical copies, people can access and share online Annual Reports instantly using their devices, whenever, wherever.
  3. Searchability: When your company’s latest public information is available online, combined with all the keywords that enhance your company searchability, it makes it easier for your company to stand-out among your competitors in the eyes of your potential customers and investors.
  4. Interactivity: By adding in videos, sounds, animations and graphics, your Annual Report is now a living agent for your business. Viewers can easily leave messages and their contacts behind when they want to learn more about your company, products and services.
  5. Trackability: Your Annual Reports viewership is finally measurable! From impressions, reach and the number of shares to clicks and engagement, you can now discover which pages or sections are getting more attention.
  6. Versatility: Spot a mistake or need to update something immediately? Either way, you have the control in your hand to have it done nstantly.

There are three types of Online Annual Reports, namely:

  1. Online Summary + PDF file of full AR
  2. Interactive Online Summary + PDF file of full AR
  3. Interactive Online Summary + Interactive PDF file of full AR

Here are some of the award-winning digital annual reports:

  1. Volvo Car Group’s Annual Report 2017
  2. China Unicom’s Annual Report 2017
  3. Merck KGaA Corporate Responsibility Report 2018
  4. METRO AG’s Annual Report 2016/17

Whether you’re looking into an online Annual Report that’s filled with all the interactive elements, or simply want to introduce a link-enabled Portable Document Format (PDF) version of your printed annual report, you’re bound to be one step ahead of your competitors. Set up a free consultation with us today!

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