5 Ways to Increase your Facebook Engagement

5 Ways to Increase your Facebook Engagement

Building a Page following for your products or services doesn’t happen miraculously overnight but it also isn’t an impossible task. By following these simple practices, you will learn over time which methods will improve your engagement which eventually propels the growth of your Facebook page.

If you’re new to Social Media Marketing and you’re not sure on where to start, don’t worry as we’ve gathered 5 simple methods you may use to increase your engagement on Facebook: 

1. Post when your audience is active

Timing may vary depending on the industry you’re in or the kind of products you offer. You can look at your ‘Facebook Insights’ to help you create a publishing schedule so that your team can stick to a specific time. By having all of these data in hand you will know when most of your followers are online to increase the number of likes, comments and shares.

2. Invest in producing good quality videos to catch the audience’s eye

Video marketing tends to be the highest performers in terms of engagement and reach. Refer to your analytics so you can understand how your audience reacts to your videos. Posting videos produced from your team also attracts more viewers since they are original and difficult to find elsewhere, plus it is easy for your audience to watch the video and build engagement rather than posting a link to your post

3. Analyze your content performance to optimize your posts 

Using Facebook Insights, you can understand more of your audience, measure if your content is successful, track page views, be able to monitor metrics important to you. Having all of this data in hand, you’ll be able to determine the exact type of content that goes well with your audience, so you can make decisions in planning your social media strategy.

4. Engage back with your audience

To ensure your business’s success, engage with your audience in a truthful and honest way so that your customers will become your fans as well and spread the word about your business. When your audience sees and hears you being yourself, they’re going to view you as more authentic or real compared to if you weren’t engaging with your audience.

5. Use Facebook Live to get more viewers

Facebook Live is getting more popular nowadays and it’s a great way to boost even more engagement for your page as they are naturally very engaging, and there’s loads of chances to receive more reactions and comments from users. It’s also very convenient because after the broadcast, the live video will stay on your feed where it’ll continue to get more engagement from followers. 

Still need an extra hand in Social Media Management? Our team can help you with that! Drop us an email at [email protected] to find out how we can help.


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